“Mondays at Racine,” directed by Cynthia Wade, heads this year’s Oscar-nominated documentary short films field. This according to LA Times Film Critic, Betsy Sharkey, in her recent review of the category.
We couldn’t agree more and want to extend a big congratulations to producer and filmmaker Robin Honan – the producer behind our recent “Fire with Fire” film – for making it to the top of the list. This heartwarming and powerful film chronicles sisters Cynthia and Rachel, who open the doors of their Long Island hair salon, “Racine,” to women undergoing chemotherapy on the third Monday of the month. As locks of hair fall to the floor, women gossip, giggle, weep, face their fears, and discover unexpected beauty.
The film will broadcast on HBO later this year. If you haven’t watched the trailer already, check it out below:
Mondays at Racine—Official Trailer from Cynthia Wade on Vimeo.