A picture may be worth a thousand words, but this picture in particular is worth $44 million dollars in savings for a school district outside of Washington D.C., due to its energy conservation initiative. And because of their success, and the success of many other school districts like it, DB Productions collaborators have been involved in the production and direction of a short film about the energy conservation company behind this nationwide sustainability effort.
This photo features Director Kristi Jacobson and Director of Photography Niels Alpert shooting in the school’s boiler room while the energy managers were at work. A critical aspect of the energy managers’ job is monitoring the equipment to ensure that it is running as efficiently as possible, and maintaining the level of progress that has already been achieved.
This was the third shoot for the project, with previous shoots occurring over the course of 6 days in Dallas, two days in Oklahoma, and two in northern Virginia. Director Kristi Jacobson said of the project, “It’s always a pleasure to direct a commercial level shoot, and we were able to capture beautiful footage of teachers and students actively participating in energy conservation efforts.”