Powering Through the Storm

New Yorkers felt the effects of Hurricane Sandy in more ways than one browse around this website.  Hundreds are still without power, many lost their homes and belongings due to the destruction the storm caused. The city is still months away from making a full recovery. Despite the devastating effect the hurricane had on the city, thousands of New Yorkers are volunteering to help those who were hit hardest by the storm. Our thoughts are with those who are suffering and wish all of those who were affected a quick recovery.

Due to the storm, downtown Manhattan effectively shut down for five business days – which included our West 21st Street office.  Committed to make delivery dates and continue our work for our clients around the nation and across the globe, the DB Productions team had to run on their own power.

Our intrepid producer Robin Honan biked to our office from Brooklyn (the subways were all down too) and climbed the 8 flights to retrieve hard drives for our editors who could continue working from home. Robin was the human power behind our ability to get our clients their films in time for their own presentation and distribution.

As Ted Gesing was preparing a DB Productions film crew’s travel to China for a shoot this week, he, too, went to great lengths to keep the production on track throughout the lost week. The Chinese Consulate in New York City, on which we were dependent for the issue of the crew’s and our client’s visas, was closed due to the power outage. Ted managed to gather their passports from locations all around the city (no MTA!), and sent a production assistant to curry them down to the Chinese Embassy in Washington, DC. They arrived just in time for the international flight – and ensured a successful film and photo shoot for our client.

So if you ever wonder what a producer’s job is: it’s to power the production all the way through.

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