This documentary series will follow a group of students through their third — and most grueling — year of nursing school.
Every eight seconds another person in the United States turns 65. And with that the demand for well-trained quality nurses increases.
VITAL SIGNS (working title) is a six-part documentary series that will follow a group of students as they withstand the academic rigors, emotional strain and unique exhilaration of nursing school to achieve their dream: a rewarding career in healthcare. Through the series, viewers will come to understand the critical role of nursing in our society, the intense level of training and commitment the profession demands, and the passion and conflicts of a group of highly motivated and dedicated people.
Intimately capturing the professional and personal lives of an ensemble cast, VITAL SIGNS will have the intensity and gritty verisimilitude of acclaimed documentary television shows like “Hopkins 24/7.” The series targets the vast audience of television viewers with an interest in health and healthcare. This audience includes viewers of top-rated medical shows, as well as the huge population of people working in the healthcare sector.
VITAL SIGNS will serve a critical role in attracting new nurses to the field and working and retired nurses to academe. Importantly, the show could help alleviate the dearth of instructors that contributes to the nursing shortage.